Model-Based Systems Engineering

Our Goal

The IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Model-Based Systems Engineering (TC-MBSE) was formed to foster and promote formal modeling approaches, languages, and methods that enable complex socio-technical systems engineering. The committee pursues various thrusts within the complex, socio-technical systems engineering rubric, including potential synergies among modeling paradigms, related translations and transformations, and methodologies, methods, processes, and tools, and modeling and meta-modeling languages and techniques. The TC supports organization of conferences, learning materials, best practices, tutorials, sessions, webinars, special issues, and other educational resources related to MBSE. We intend to make these resources accessible to systems engineers, with a view to encourage them to adopt and use state-of-the-art systems engineering methods to support and advance formal, yet intuitive development and evolution of complex socio-technical systems and systems of systems. The TC is involved in international standardization efforts and will serve as a source of professional knowledge on state-of-the-art best practices and on emerging trends in MBSE, with the objective of becoming a center of excellence in MBSE and related concerns.

Join Us

Joining TC-MBSE has several advantages, including:

  • Opportunities to interact with MBSE experts
  • Having a forum to express your ideas on MBSE
  • Staying current on new developments and MBSE standards
  • Participating in rewarding MBSE-related conferences and workshops
  • Exploring areas of mutual research interests and having the opportunity to exchange ideas and identify potential collaboration opportunities
  • Getting to know colleagues and make new friends from around the world
  • Making a contribution to societal problems through innovative applications of MBSE