Technically Co-Sponsored Conferences

Conferences technically sponsored by the SMC Society.

IEEE SMC workshop on Human Machine Systems and Digital Twin Technologies, Orlando, 16 February 2024

The 28th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Tianjin, China, May 8-10, 2024

International Defence and Security (IDEaS) Symposium, 15 May 2024, Toronto, Canada

The 3rd Student Design Competition on Networked Computing on the Edge at Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week, Hong Kong, China, May 13-16, 2024.

CSCWD 2024: 2024 27th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD), May 2024, Tianjin, China

I-DO 2024: International Conference on Information Technology, Data Science and Optimization. Taipei, Taiwan on May 22-24, 2024

The 39th Youth Academic Annual Conference of Chinese Association of Automation (YAC 2024), 7-9 June 2024, China

2024 Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics Conference, Macau, China, 22-24 June 2024 (

19th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference, Tacoma, WA, USA, June 23rd – 26th 2024

IEEE CODIT 2024 (July 1-4, Valletta, Malta)

2024 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), Tokyo, Japan, 6-8 July 2024

Sino-EU Doctoral Summer School for Logistics, Information, Management, Service Science (July 2024, Cape Town)

Int. Conf. on System Science and Engineering (ICSSE 2024), Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 2024.

Int. Automatic Control Conf. (CACS 2024), Taoyuan, Taiwan, July 2024.

The 9th Int’l Conf. on Image, Vision and Computing, July 15-17, 2024, Suzhou, China

The 10th Int’l Conf. on Virtual Reality, 20-22 July 2024, Bournemouth, UK

14th IEEE Int’l Conf. on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences (LISS2024), 26-29 July 2024, China

Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Theory and Its Applications (iFUZZY 2024), Japan, Aug. 2024.

2024 4thIEEE International Conference on Automation in Manufacturing, Transportation and Logistics, August 8-9, 2024, Hong Kong

IEEE CSR 2024 (, and IEEE TETC SI on Cybersecurity & Resilience, Hybrid, 2-4 September 2024

CDVE 2024: International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering, Valencia, Spain on September 15-18, 2024.

2024 International Conf. of Grey Systems and Uncertainty Analysis and the 38th Conference on Grey System Theory of China, 20-24th September, 2024, Xi’an, China

IEEE CASE 2024 (August 28-September 1, Bari, Italy)

SUI 2024: ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, Trier Germany, OCTOBER 7-8, 2024.

The 2024 Int’l Conf. on Assured Autonomy, Vanderbilt university Nashville, TN, Oct. 10-11, 2024

2024 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, China, 18-24 October 2024

2024 International Conference on Cyber-physical Social Intelligence, Doha, Qatar, November 8-12 2024 (

IEEE Academia-Industry Summer School (AISS) – Towards Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence (AI)-empowered Autonomy, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia,18-22 November 2024

2024 International Workshop on Advanced Mechatronic Systems, Shiga, Japan, 26-30 November 2024 (IWAMechS

2024 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS 2024, Nov. 26-30,  Kusatsu, Shiga, Japan)

2024 IEEE Int’l Conf. on Flexible Electronics and Systems, December, Hongkong, 12-14 December 2024