Section 1
The SMCS may collect from its members an annual assessment or fee. The collection shall be in accordance with the IEEE Bylaws and applicable rules and regulations.
Section 2
The SMCS may take registration charges at its meetings, symposia, conferences, and conventions. Registration fees for members and non-members shall be set in accordance with IEEE policy.
Section 3
The SMCS shall not make registration charges at a meeting, conference, or convention that it operates as a part of an IEEE Sectional, Regional, National, or International meeting, conference, or convention.
Section 4
The SMCS may raise revenues by other means, such as but not limited to advertising, exhibits, requests for contributions, subscriptions or single-copy charges for its publications and charges for sending notices to non-members provided that such means do not conflict with policies and revenue means of the IEEE. A new revenue means not explicitly covered by IEEE Rules and Regulations must be approved by the IEEE Executive Director before being adopted by the SMCS.
Section 5
Moneys held by or for the SMCS legally belong to the IEEE. Such moneys may be expended by the SMCS to promote the objectives of the SMCS, but shall not be expended for purposes contrary to the interests of the IEEE.
Section 6
Neither the SMCS nor any officer or representative thereof shall have the authority to contract debts for, pledge the credit of, nor in any way obligate the IEEE except, within an approved budget, such commitments may be made.
Section 7
IEEE members who are members of SMCS shall be annually assessed a Society fee under the conditions of Section 1, Article IV. SMCS members who are not IEEE members shall be assessed annually, in addition to the Society fee, a surcharge, set annually by the TAB Finance Committee at their option.