To recognize the SMC Student Branch Chapter that has consistently shown outstanding leadership and service to its members.
$500 to be used for Student Branch Chapter activities and a plaque for display by the chapter.
Funded by the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. Multiple recipients, if selected, will share the award.
Open to all SMC Student Branch Chapters that have not received an award within the past three years.
Basis for Judging
Services to the chapter’s student members, membership development, and quality and quantity of activities.
At the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics and in the name of the SMC Society.
Past Awardees
- M. Nithya, Advisor Student Branch Chapter at Sri Sai Ram Engineering College
For outstanding leadership, service to members, and organization of technical activities
- Guandong University of Technology Student Brunch Chapter, Chaired by Yingshan Tao, Advised by Dr. Xiaomei Wu
For outstanding leadership for student engagement
- Windsor Section Chapter, Chaired by Roozbeh Razavi-Far
For providing innovative technical programs and fostering a successful joint chapter - Croatia Section Chapter, Chaired by Goran Martinovic
For outstanding engagement activities for professionals and students - Hiroshima Section Chapter, Chaired by Tomohiro Hayashida
For providing outstanding programs and educational events
- Veracruz University – Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico) Student Branch Chapter
For outstanding efforts and initiative in promoting student activities
- Sfax Student Branch Chapter, Chaired by Wael Ouarda
For outstanding leadership and service to its members
- Hebei University Student Branch Chapter
For outstanding contribution made for membership growth and organization of technical activities