Our Goal
The mission of the TC on UMSE is to provide an entity within the IEEE for engineering researchers, engineers and practitioners interested to promote AUVs as a research tool. The TC on UMSE will act as an umbrella to organize workshops, special sessions and special journal issues in Marine Dynamics and Engineering related topics. Furthermore our goal is to stimulate growth of this specific TC within the SMCS in order to get more members involved in the activities and to benefit from IEEE membership.
The aim of the IEEE SMCS TC on UMSE is to focus on the application of cybernetics, human-machine interactions, and systems engineering to AUVs and to introduce a system of systems perspective to it. A systems perspective defines an UMSE system as a set of systems (such as underwater acoustics, and communications, subsea optics and vision) where each system is then an entity that consists of independent and interacting components that function within a specific environment. Furthermore, an UMSE system uses data, processes, networks, people, structures and motivations that work together. A systems perspective endeavors to understand how components and external actions influence the whole as well as other components internally.
(SMC/UMSE) TC – Focused Activities
- The main activities is to promote Underwater Robotics and generate Peer Review Paper Publications within this applications and add as a new area of SMC Publications.
- Develop Specialty Workshops and Symposia on Related Subject
- Conduct Panel Sessions and Invite Keynote Speakers
- Engage Young professionals and WIE
- Offering Tutorials on Related Subjects
Join Us
- Network with experts in Underwater Vehicles and Intelligent Sensing from around the world.
- Join and Participate in leading IEEE International Conferences and Workshops.
- Opportunity to Publish in high quality IEEE Conferences and IEEE SMC Transactions papers posted in IEEE Xplore.
- Benefit from the multidisciplinary research from different application domains.
- Exchange your results with peers of expertise for the benefit of all.
- Opportunities to Collaborate with experts to solve the significant challenges.
- Raise your recognition by presenting Tutorials, and getting involved at workshops with contributing to the publications of the SMC Society.
- Demonstrate leadership by helping to organize Special Sessions devoted to Underwater Vehicles at conferences co-sponsored by the SMC Society.