TC Leadership

TC Chair
Gabriel Jakobson
CyberGem Consulting, USA

TC Co-Chair
Leo Motus
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

TC Co-Chair
Christian Lebiere
Carnegie Mellon University, USA

TC Co-Chair
Tom Ziemke
University of Skövde & Linköping University, Sweden
Advisory Board

Mica Endsley
SA Technologies, USA

Peter Erdi
Kalamazoo College, USA

Mitch Kokar
Northeastern University, USA
Many domains, such as communications management, interaction with autonomous platforms, modern battlefield operations management, disaster response and crisis management, and physical infrastructure and cyber security monitoring are characterized by heightened mobility, large number of distributed heterogeneous information sources, and existence of complex, often incomplete and unpredictable dynamic situations. As a result, there is a need for effective methods for supporting situation awareness, prediction, reasoning and control — operations collectively identifiable as Situation Management. Often situations involve a large number of inter-dependent dynamic entities that change their states in time and space, and engage each other into fairly complex relations. From a management viewpoint it is important to understand the situations in which these entities participate, to recognize emerging trends and potential threats, and to undertake required actions. Understanding of dynamic situations requires complex cognitive modeling of situations, building situation ontologies, and continuous sensing, perception, and comprehension of signal and human intelligence events and reports, and integrating these data into suitable presentations for supporting human and/or computational understanding of the situations. Entities participating in Situation Management need to have efficient ways of exchanging descriptions of situations.
Cognitive Situation Management is an interdisciplinary research which covers analysis, modeling, and control of cyber-physical-social systems within the context of tactical and strategic goals of stakeholders, and it is based on theories and technologies of computer science, autonomous control, cognitive science and human factors research, among others. The research interests of cognitive situation management in human centric systems as well as artificial systems built from autonomous smart software-intensive components include studies in situation awareness, situation modeling, ontologies and semantics; situation sensing, fusion, perception, comprehension, and projection; situation reasoning, learning and discovery, situation monitoring and control, situation management architectures and applications, distributing, sharing, and merging knowledge about situations; assessing truthfulness and accuracy of situation awareness, the design of systems to support human situation awareness, the development of effective approaches for integrating humans and autonomous systems.
The Technical Committee on Cognitive Situation Management sees its mission in the following:
- Creating a rich, diverse and comprehensive scientific research environment for advancing the science, applications, and education in the field of cognitive situation management by fusing inter-disciplinary approaches from computer science, cognitive science, human factors research and other related fields;
- Organize scientific forums like conferences, workshops and technical sessions to provide researchers, practitioners and government personnel effective forums for exchanging ideas and results to promote advancements in the field of cognitive situation management;
- Promoting and supporting publications of research and application papers, dedicated special issues and reports in journals, magazines and in electronic media.
- Encourage, provide advice and educate young researchers in the field of cognitive situation management;
- Promote and facilitate inter-disciplinary scientific cooperation with other professional societies and events within IEEE and outside, including international organizations.
Past Activities
- Organization of IEEE Conferences on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) 2016 & 2017
- Participation in organization of International Conference on Information Fusion 2016 & 2017
Planned Activities
- IEEE Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management, Boston MA, June 2018
- IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, an Cybernetics 2018
- International Conference on Information Fusion 2018
- Kenneth Baclawski, North Eastern University, USA
- Peter Berggren, Linköping University, Sweden
- Jessie Chen, US Army Research Laboratory, USA
- Jin-Hee Cho, US Army Research Laboratory, USA
- Chris Dancy II, Bucknell University, USA
- Michael Byrne, Rice University, USA
- Giuseppe D’Aniello, University of Salerno, Italy
- Keith Devlin, Stanford University, USA
- Mica Endsley, SA Technologies, USA
- Peter Erdi, Kalamazoo College, Hungary/USA
- Albert Esterline, North Carolina A&T State University, USA
- Göran Falkman, University of Skövde, Sweden
- Ivonne Fischer, Fraunhofer IOSB, Germany
- Scott Fouse, Lockheed Martin, USA
- Cleotilde Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Olivier Grisvard, Thales Systèmes Aéroportés, France
- Odd Eric Gundersen, Norwegian University of Science & Technology, Norway
- Glenn Gunzelmann, AFRL, USA
- Gabriel Jakobson, CyberGem Consulting, USA
- Michael Jenkins, Charles River Analytics, USA
- Jaanus Kaugerand, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Mitch Kokar, Northeastern University, USA
- Robert Kozma, University of Memphis, USA
- Dale Lambert, Defense Science & Technology Group, Australia
- Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Joseph Lyons, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
- Dalila Megherbi, Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell, USA
- James Llinas, State University New York Buffalo, USA
- Leo Motus, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- John Pecarina, Air Force Research Laboratory, USA
- David Peebles, University of Hunddersfield, Germany
- Vasiliy Popovich, SPIIRAS, Russia
- Erik Prytz, Linköping University, Sweden
- Kellyn Rein, Fraunhofer FKIE, Germany
- Richard Riecken, AFOSR, USA
- Maria Riverio, University of Skövde, Sweden
- Galina Rogova, University of Buffalo, USA
- Andrea Salfinger, Johannes Kepler University, Austria
- Dario Salvucci, Drexel University, USA
- Dylan Schmorrow, Soar Technology, Inc., USA
- David Schuster, San Jose State University, USA
- Alexander Smirnov, SPIIRAS, Russia
- Pontus Svensson, Defense Science & Technology Group, Sweden
- Serge Thill, University of Skövde, Sweden
- Robert Thomson, United States Military Academy, USA
- Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory, USA
- Wayne Zachary, CHI Systems, USA
- Wlodek Zadrozny, University of South Carolina, USA
- Tom Ziemke, University of Skövde, Sweden