TC Leadership
Our Goal
The Technical Committee on Shared Control is a group formed of international specialists who envision a world in which human-machine interaction is safer, more intuitive, more comfortable and more robust to differences in environment and users. The aim of the Technical Committee on Shared Control is to accelerate research towards that goal, by stimulating scientific discussions and international collaborations, in both academia and industry. Over the past decades the principles of shared control have been gaining interest in a broad range of research and engineering communities as a design approach that integrates the best of both worlds: the fast, reliable, precise and inexhaustible task execution capabilities of automation and the complementary inventive, adaptive and interactive task execution skills of humans. Although recent research has shown that shared control can enhance the capabilities of both humans and automation in a wide variety of applications (driving, flying, wheelchair control, tele-operation of robots, etc.), there is not much consensus on how to design or particularly how to evaluate such systems.
We aim to reach our goals by providing a platform to gain consensus about design and evaluation of shared control systems, across different application fields.
- *David Abbink, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Erwin Boer, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Henri Boessenkool, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Laurent Bougrain, University of Louaine / Inria, France
- Christopher Cabrall, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- *Tom Carlson, University College London, UK
- Ricardo Chavarriaga, EPFL, Switzerland
- Ana De Almeida, ISCTE, Portugal
- Joost de Winter, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Michael Flad, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Tricia Gibo, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Toshihiro Hiraoka, Kyoto University, Japan
- Soeren Hohmann, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Minsik Hong, University of Arizona, USA
- Jairo Inga, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
- Makoto Itoh, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Anuradha Kar, National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
- Michael Lewis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Laura Marchal-Crespo, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Franck Mars, CNRS, France
- *Mark Mulder, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Husam Muslim, Tsukuba University, Japan
- Kimihiko Nakano, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Marcia O’Malley, Rice University, USA
- Taskin Padir, Northeastern University, USA
- Lorenzo Pollini, University of Pisa, Italy
- Itzel Jared Rodriguez Martinez, Scuola Superiore di Sant’Anna, Italy
- Yuichi Saito, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
- Jonas Schmidtler, TU Munich, Germany
- Etsuro Shimizu, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan
- Jan Smisek, Delft University of Technology / ESA, The Netherlands
- Fabio Tatti, IIT, Italy
- Peter Trautman, Galois Inc, USA
- René van Paassen, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Joost Venrooij, Max Planck Institute, Germany
- Takahiro Wada, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
- Phillip Walker, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Zheng Wang, University of Tokyo, Japan
- Jiao Wang, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Hanwool Woo, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Past TC Co-Chair
Learn More
These tutorial materials provide more information on topics of interest to our technical committee.
- Designing and Evaluating Shared Control (Presentation, .PDF)
- Honest Evaluations of Shared Control (Presentation, .PDF)
- Haptic Shared Control: Smoothly Shifting Control Authority? (Paper, .PDF)
- Brain-Controlled Wheelchairs: A Robotic Architecture (Paper, .PDF)
Recent Activities
- 2016 Tutorial on Honest Evaluation of Shared Control at IEEE SMC 2016, Budapest
- 2016 Special Session on Shared Control at IEEE SMC 2016, Budapest
- 2016 Symposium on Human Factors and Automated Driving with Japan Society of Automotive Engineers
- 2016 Published Special Issue on Shared Control for the Journal of Human-Robot Interaction
- 2015 Most Active Technical Committee by SMC Awards Committee
- 2015 Special Session on Shared Control at IEEE SMC 2015, Hong Kong
- 2015 Tutorial on BMI and Shared Control at IEEE SMC 2015, Hong Kong
- 2015 Tutorial on Human-Centered Design and Evaluation of Haptic Shared Control at World Haptics Conference, Chicago, IL, USA
Join Us
The Technical Committee on Shared Control provides opportunities to continue professional and personal development by:
- Networking with peers and experts on shared control
- Benefiting from the cross-fertilization of research from different application domains
- Discussing your ideas with enthusiastic like-minded researchers
- Exchanging your results with peers, prior to publication or commercialization
- Collaborating with experts to solve the significant challenges posed by such systems
- Gaining peer recognition by presenting at workshops and tutorials, and contributing articles to publications of the SMC Society
- Demonstrating leadership by helping to organize special sessions on shared control at conferences sponsored by the SMC Society