TC Leadership
Our Goal
The IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Model-Based Systems Engineering (TC-MBSE) was formed to foster and promote formal modeling approaches, languages, and methods that enable complex socio-technical systems engineering. The committee pursues various thrusts within the complex, socio-technical systems engineering rubric, including potential synergies among modeling paradigms, related translations and transformations, and methodologies, methods, processes, and tools, and modeling and meta-modeling languages and techniques. The TC supports organization of conferences, learning materials, best practices, tutorials, sessions, webinars, special issues, and other educational resources related to MBSE. We intend to make these resources accessible to systems engineers, with a view to encourage them to adopt and use state-of-the-art systems engineering methods to support and advance formal, yet intuitive development and evolution of complex socio-technical systems and systems of systems. The TC is involved in international standardization efforts and will serve as a source of professional knowledge on state-of-the-art best practices and on emerging trends in MBSE, with the objective of becoming a center of excellence in MBSE and related concerns.
- P. Mathew Abraham, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, USA
- Jose Carlos A. Almeida, Brazilian Airspace Control Agency, Brazil
- Gary Anderson, University of Arkansas Little Rock, USA
- Kul Bhasin, NASA Glenn Research Center, USA
- Dizza Beimel, Ruppin Academic Center, Israel
- Arieh Bibliowicz, Technion, Israel
- Alex Blekhman, Technion, Israel
- James Brucato, Palermo Euro Terminal srl, Italy
- Jason M Casebolt, Boeing, USA
- Peter Caven, Independent, Canada
- Andre Corsetti, Compsis, SP, Brazil
- Kenneth Cureton, University of Southern California, USA
- Olivier de Weck, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
- Pierre-Eric Dereux, Airbus, France
- Joseph D’Ambrosio, General Motors
- Arif Dhanidina, Northrop Grumman Corporation
- Charles Dickerson, Loughborough University, UK
- Zaid Al-Farekh, Semantic Intelligent Technologies, Jordan
- John Ahmet Erkoyuncu, Cranfield University, UK
- Jose Javier Fernandez Fraile, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Sanford Friedenthal, Independent consultant, USA
- Paul Gill, Aerojet Rocketdyne
- Regina Griego, National Nuclear Security Administration, USA
- Michael Henshaw, Loughborough University, UK
- Luis Ortiz Hernandez, Bio-Rad Labs, USA
- Keith W. Hipel, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Mo Jamshidi, University of Texas San Antonio, USA
- Roy S. Kalawsky, Loughborough University, Loughborough, Leicestershire, UK
- Frank N. Kautzmann, RealData Inc., W. Provo, UT, USA
- Ratnesh Kumar, Iowa State University, USA
- Ana Laveron-Simavilla, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Patrick Lee, Hospira, Inc., IL, USA
- David Long, Vitech Corporation, USA
- Robert L. Malone, Boeing, USA
- Vinayak D Manmadkar, ILAB-E, INDIA
- Richard Martin, Tinwisle, USA
- Michael Mayor, PE, Independent Consultant, USA
- Dimas Medeiros Junior, Fiat Chrysler, Brazil
- Mark McKelvin, Aerospace Corporation
- Robert Minnichelli , Aerospace Corporation
- Yaniv Mordecai, Technion, Israel
- José Miguel Ezquerro Navarro, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
- Edwin Ordoukhanian, University of Southern California, USA
- Douglas Orellana, Northrop Grumman Corporation
- Pathmeswaran Raju, Birmingham City University, UK
- Visvanathan Ramesh, Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
- Mark Richer, Pratt & Whitney Canada, Canada
- Michael Richey, Boeing
- Jack Ring, Educe LLC, USA
- Nelson Ruiz, Independent Consultant, Colombia
- Mark Sampson, Siemens, Germany
- Ricardo Moraes dos Santos, Embraer, Brazil
- Michael Sievers, Jet Propulsion Lab
- Uri Shani, IBM Research, Haifa Lab, Israel
- Amira Sharon, Israel Aerospace Industries, Israel
- Qinghong Shen, MCTC, China
- David Shorter, Independent Consultant, UK
- Michael Sievers, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Pnina Soffer, University of Haifa, Israel
- Judith Somekh, Technion, Israel
- Eswaran Subrahmaniam, Carnegie Mellon University
- Padma Sundaram, General Motors
- Edward Tunstel, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA
- Jim Ulmes, Fresenius-Kabi Medical Device Division, USA
- Bhim P. Upadhyaya, EqualInformation LLC
- Sairam Veeraswamy, EMC Corporation, India
- Yue Wang, Zhejiang University, China
- Niva Wengrowicz, Technion, Israel
- Marilee Wheaton, Aerospace Corporation
- Jill D. Wright, Montefiore Medical Center, N.Y., USA
- Feng Yang, National University of Defense Technology, China
- Armin Zimmermann, TU Ilmenau, Germany
Recent Activities
- Finalizing ISO standardization of OPM – Object-Process Methodology in TC184/SC5 as ISO 19450.
Sponsoring the following conferences and workshops:
- ASSESS (Analysis, Simulation and Systems Engineering Software Strategies) 2016 – the industry wide initiative that was kicked off in January at the Santa Fe Institute. The ASSESS Initiative was formed to address key questions facing the ecosystem that builds and uses models and software to analyze, and simulate behavior of complex systems/products: the SIMULATION software industry.
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research (2014) Los Angeles, CA; multiple sessions in MBSE with members from IEEE SMC MBSE TC, March 2014.
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research (2016) Huntsville, Alabama; multiple papers in MBSE with members from IEEE SMC MBSE TC; Madni distributed flyers of IEEE SMC Society MBSE TC to attendees, March 2015.
- Conference on Systems Engineering Research (2017) Host and General Chair (Madni); multiple sessions in MBSE with representatives from IEEE SMC MBSE TC, academia, industry, and government; working with IEEE SMC President-Elect, Dr. Tunstel, for IEEE SMC to become a co-sponsor of the conference; March 2017.
Sponsoring the following sessions in conferences:
- Frontiers of MBSE at 2014 IEEE SMC International Conference in San Diego, CA
- MBSE Session at 2104 Conference on Systems Engineering Research, Los Angeles, CA
- Sessions at 2105 AIAA Space, Pasadena, CA
- Sessions at 2016 AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, Jan 2016
- Sessions at 2016 AIAA Space, Long Beach, CA, Sept 2016
Join Us
Joining TC-MBSE has several advantages, including:
- Opportunities to interact with MBSE experts
- Having a forum to express your ideas on MBSE
- Staying current on new developments and MBSE standards
- Participating in rewarding MBSE-related conferences and workshops
- Exploring areas of mutual research interests and having the opportunity to exchange ideas and identify potential collaboration opportunities
- Getting to know colleagues and make new friends from around the world
- Making a contribution to societal problems through innovative applications of MBSE