TC Leadership
Our Goal
The Technical Committee on Bioinformatics and Medicine of SMC was formed to further the exchange of information and create interaction between the various fields of biology, medicine and cybernetics (information, feedback and control).
- Ping-Tsai Chung, Department of Computer Science, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York, USA
- Julie Dickerson, Iowa State University, USA
- Takayuki Fujita, University of Hyogo, Japan
- Dmitry Goldgof, University of South Florida, USA
- Enzo Grossi, Bracco Imaging, USA
- Cathy Helgason, College of Medicine at Chicago, USA
- Shoji Hirano, Shimane University, Japan
- Thomas Jobe, College of Medicine at Chicago, USA
- Naotake Kamiura, University of Hyogo, Japan
- Kazuo Kiguchi, Kyushu Univerisity, Japan
- Syoji Kobashi, University of Hyogo, Japan
- Honghai Liu, University of Portsmouth,UK
- John Mordeson, Creighton University, USA
- Masakazu Morimoto, University of Hyogo, Japan
- Tadahiko Murata, Kansai University, Japan
- Kouki Nagamune, University of Fukui, Japan
- Hiroshi Nakajima, Omron Corporation, Japan
- Manabu Nii, University of Hyogo, Japan
- Rod Taber, Northrop Grumman, USA
- Noboru Takagi, Toyama Prefectural University, Japan
- Koichi Tanno, Miyazki University, Japan
- Angela Torres, Universidad de Santiago, Spain
- Shusaku Tsumoto, Shimane University, Japan
- Ellen Walker, Hiram College, USA
- Chao-Cheng Wu, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
- Naomi Yagi, Kyoto University, Japan
Recent Activities
- SMC2016: Special Session on Modern Technology on Medicine, Health Care and Human Assist
- Organized future conferences or workshops with SMC technical sponsorship, World Automation Congress, Puerto Rico 2016
- SMC2015 Special Session on Medical and Health Care Engineering
5th Mini-Symposium on Medical and Health Care Technology
- SMC2014 Special Session on Medical and Health Care Engineering
4th Mini-Symposium on Medical and Health Care Technology
- SMC2013 3rd Mini-Symposium on Medical and Health Care Technology
Title for the proposed special session:
Medical and Health Care Technology
Medical Image and Signal Processing
Join Us
- Interact with multiple academic discipline interested in biology and medicine.
- Contribute to innovative thinking in medical information.
- Organize and implement special sessions at SMC conferences.