TC Leadership
Our Goal
The widespread nature of multimedia processing technologies and the rapid growth of network access availability have enabled many powerful and creative applications. Digital multimedia content can be created, edited, distributed, shared, and stored with convenience at a very low cost over the mobile and ad hoc nature of today’s various networks. The use of emerging technologies and systems based on wireless networks has further facilitated the universal prevalence of multimedia data. Although these new technologies has been viewed as helping individuals to achieve better communications, this has created the possibility for malicious attackers to compromise the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and corrupt both personal and mission-critical data. Moreover, as our dependency on digital systems keeps growing, denial of service attacks have become a growing threat. With the increasing sophistication and ubiquity of sharing and distribution of data over a plethora of networks, the complexity and challenges of untrustworthy behavior and cyber attacks represent increasing vulnerabilities. Furthermore, modern generations of programmable mobile systems are endowed with low-cost, high-resolution digital cameras and can provide new opportunities for mass deployment in applications that involve the use of multimedia content.
The goal of this technical committee is to serve the interests of its members and the community at large by encouraging the theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of the art and science of information assurance & multimedia-mobile intelligent systems. The Information Assurance and Intelligent Multimedia-Mobile Communications committee aspires to help researchers and developers to exchange ideas on expanding current and building novel intelligent communications systems; to bring together researchers and engineers from all parts of the world with an active interest in the planning, design, process, management and governance of networks in the areas of multimedia-mobile communications with the center of attention on security, digital forensic authentication, transmission and detection of sensitive information via communication systems. The committee is also looking forward to motivate both the theory and applications of this research, advocate their development, disseminate state-of-the-art scientific information and resources, and to establish successful associations with the key experts from academia, industry, government, and information technology consultants.
Recent Activities
The TC shall engage in various activities that advance the goals described above, including:
- Participating in paper reviews and selecting, organization special sessions for CMS-sponsored conferences.
- Nominate lecturers for the CMS distinguished speakers program.
- Sponsor and organize specialized and focused workshops, conferences and meetings such as:
(a) International conference on Information Assurance and Digital Forensic Systems (2011, 2013)
(b) International conference on Intelligent Multimedia & Mobile Communications System (2008, 2010)
(c) International Conference on Portable Information Devices Application
(d) Information Assurance (2010, 2011, 2012). - Organized several Special Issues for IEEE Trans. on SMC in 2010, 2012 and 2014, and one Special Issue for IEEE Systems Journal 2014.
- Organized several special sessions for IEEE conference on SMC: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016.
- TC members published two books in 2013 and in 2016.
- Took active starring role on creating a new joint SMC-AES chapter, 2015.
Join Us
- Interact with professionals in information assurance & intelligent multimedia-mobile communications and forensic systems that are rapidly growing research fields.
- Participate in motivating conferences and workshops.
- Form professional relationships with associates from different regions of the world.
- Exchange research ideas and sharing research resources, fostering a more effective transfer of information assurance & intelligent multimedia-mobile communications and forensic systems to large-scale applications important to people.
- Promote research, development, education, and understanding of information assurance & intelligent multimedia-mobile communications and forensic systems.
- Aaron Greenblatt, Stanford University, USA
- Alessandro Neri, University Roma Tre, Italy
- Aram Arakelyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia
- Artyom M, Grigoryan, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Ayman El-Baz, University of Louisville USA
- Arash Samani, Tufts University USA
- Chang Wen Chen, Florida Institute of Technology, USA
- Chih-Min Lin, Yuan-Ze University, Taiwan
- Chris Adams, Buckingham University, UK
- Clara Mosquera-Lopez, Intel, USA
- Chunming Gao, Michigan Technological University, USA
- David Akopian, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Eugene Levin, Michigan Technological University, USA
- Erlan H, Feria, College of Staten Island of the City University of New York, USA
- Frederic Dufaux, Ecole Polytechnique Federal De Lausanne, Switzerland
- Gilbert Peterson, Air Force Institute of Technology, USA
- Gevorg Karapetyan, The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Armenia
- Gregory B, White, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Hideki Noda, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan
- Jinshan Tang, Michigan Technological University, USA
- Joseph P, Noonan, Tufts University, USA
- Jun Liu, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
- Hakob Sarukhanyan, The National Academy of Sciences , Republic of Armenia
- Hani H, Saleh, Khalifa University, The United Arab Emirates
- Karen A, Panetta, Tufts University, USA
- Karen Egizarian, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland
- Khader Mohammad, Birzeit University, Palestine
- Liang Lei, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, China
- Laura Brown, Michigan Technological University, USA
- Long Bao, Tufts University, USA
- Igor Aizenberg, Texas A&M University-Texarkana, USA
- Mehmet Celenk, Ohio University, USA
- Mehdi Roopaei, Azad University, Iran
- Naseer Al-Jawad, Buckingham University, UK
- Patrick Baier, George Washington University, USA
- Patrizio Campisi, University of Roma Tre, Italy
- Phalguni Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
- Rahul Rajendran, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Ravindranath C, Cherukuri, Trinity Institute of Technology and Research, India
- Reiner Creutzburg, Fachhochschule Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
- Qianwen Wan, Tufts University, USA
- Sabah Jassim, University of Buckigham, UK
- Shahan Nercessian, Lincoln Lab USA
- Shreyas Kamath, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Srijith Rajeev, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Shishir Paramathma Rao, The University of Texas, San Antonio, USA
- Hassan Takabi, University of North Texas, USA
- Touradj Ebrahimi, Ecole Polytechnique Federal De Lausanne, Switzerland
- Viacheslav Voronin, Don State Technical University, Russia
- Vladimir Marchuk, Don State Technical University, Russia
- William Perry, Western Carolina University, USA
- Xiaohui Yuan, University of North Texas, Denton, USA
- XiaoLong Zhang, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
- Xin Xu, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China
- Xuan Liu, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Huiyu Zhou, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
- Yicong Zhou, University of Macau, China
- Yingzi (Eliza) Du, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA
- Youri Shukurian, The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Armenia
- Xiaojing Yuan, University of Houston, USA
- Yushin Ahn, Michigan Technological University, USA
- Yue Wu, Information Sciences Institute at University of South California, USA
- Zilong Hu, Michigan Technological University, USA