TC Leadership
Our Goal
The Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction is concerned with issues related to modeling, designing, and evaluating interactions between humans and computing systems.
- Julie A. Adams, Vanderbilt University
- Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
- Andy Banerjee, Texas A & M University, USA
- Ellen J. Bass, Drexel University, USA
- Amy Bisantz, University at Buffalo, USA
- Matthew L. Bolton, University at Buffalo, USA
- Catherine Burns, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Caroline Cao, Wright State University, USA
- Huseyin Dogan, Loughborough University, UK
- Birsen Donmez, University of Toronto
- Michael Dornreich, Iowa State University, USA
- Arye Ephrath, Mythology, Inc., USA
- Karen Feigh, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
- Alireza Fereidunian, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran
- Subhashini Ganapathy, Wright State University, USA
- Gregory Gerling, University of Virginia, USA
- Stephanie Guerlain, University of Virginia, USA
- Yaoping Hu, University of Calgary, Canada
- Tony Huang, University of Tasmania, Australia
- Mithun Jacob, Purdue University, USA
- Greg Jamieson, University of Toronto, USA
- Ioannis Kaloskampisi, Cardiff University, UK
- Alex Kirlik, University of Illinois USA
- John D. Lee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Michael Lewis, University of Pittsburgh, USA
- Daniel Ley, Fraunhofer Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics, Germany
- Joachim Meyer, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Christine Mitchell, Georgia Tech, USA
- Max Mulder, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
- Christopher Nemeth, Applied Research Associates, Inc., USA
- Celestine Ntuen, North Carolina A & T, USA
- Alper Pahsa, Havelsan, Inc., Ankara Turkey
- Mansour Rahimi, University of Southern California, USA
- Ling Rothrock, Pennsylvania State University, USA
- Don Rude, University of Virginia, USA
- Arijit Sengupta, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Phil Smith, Ohio State University, USA
- Adrian Stoica, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, USA
- Jianbo Su, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Sriram Subramanian, University of Bristol, The United Kingdom
- Geb Thomas, University of Iowa, USA
- M.M. (René) van Paassen, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands
- Yan Xiao, Baylor Health Care System, USA
- Ji Soo Yi, Purdue University, USA
- Qiangfu Zhao, University of Aizu, Japan
Learn More
These tutorial materials provide more information on topics of interest to our technical committee.
- Using Formal Verification to Evaluate Human-Automation Interaction: A Review (Paper, .PDF)
- Formal Methods for Human-automation Interaction (Tutorial, .PDF)
Recent Activities
- Planning and organizing special sessions for annual SMC International Conferences
- Soliciting and reviewing high-quality papers for IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
- Serving as Associate editors for IEEE Transactions on Human Machine Systems in the area of Human-Machine Systems.
- Appointing Human-Machine Systems Distinguished Lecturers
- Organizing IEEE SMC cosponsored conferences and workshops
- Organizing IEEE SMC cosponsored conferences and workshops
- Encouraging student participation by supporting the student-focused IEEE SMC co-sponsored conference called the Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium
- Preparing technical papers for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
- Reviewing articles submitted to IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
Join Us
The Technical Committee on Human Computer Interaction provides opportunities to continue professional and personal development through:
- Networking opportunities with peers and experts in the field
- The design and development of the SMC’s annual conference program
- The development of special issues of the Transactions on Human-Machine Systems Transactions
- Participation in interesting conferences and workshops
- The exchange of research ideas and the sharing of research resources
- Opportunities for making friends from different regions of the world