Article XI


Section 1

Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by (1) a petition signed by 5 percent of the members of the SMCS, or (2) by a two-thirds vote of the entire voting membership of the BoG. Such amendments shall be submitted to the IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities. After approval by the IEEE Vice President, Technical Activities, the proposed amendment shall be published in an SMCS publication that nominally reaches the entire SMCS membership with notice that it goes into effect 60 days after publication unless 5 percent of the SMCS members object. If such objections are received, a copy of the proposed amendment shall be mailed with a ballot to all members of the SMCS at least 30 days before the date appointed for return of the ballot to the IEEE office. Approval of the amendment by at least two-thirds of those voting shall be necessary for its enactment.

Section 2

Bylaws of this Constitution may be adopted or changed by a two-thirds vote of the BoG, provided notice of the proposed change is sent to each member of the BoG at least two weeks prior to such action. No Bylaws shall become effective until a copy is provided to the Vice President, Technical Activities for IEEE approval and, after such approval is granted, they have been published in a SMCS publication that nominally reaches the entire SMCS membership.