Brain-Machine Interface Systems


Our Goal

Brain-Machine Interfaces (BMI) are about transforming thought into action, or, conversely, sensation into perception. One example of this paradigm contends that a user can perceive sensory information and enact voluntary motor actions through a direct interface between the brain and a prosthetic device in virtually the same way that we see, hear, walk, or grab an object with our own natural limbs.

The primary objective of the BMI Systems Technical Committee is to bring together specialists from the different areas that will be required as part of any real-world BMI system: systems neuroscience, system integration, sensors, integrated circuits, machine learning, control, robotics, biology, clinical studies, neurologists, system engineers, cybernetic experts, human-machine professionals, and other computer scientists and engineers working in this interdisciplinary environment. The goal of the TC is to provide a basis for the exchange of information and resources among these diverse communities, to enable interactions between groups from these fields and to bring a systems perspective to the field of BMI.

BMI Workshop Webinars

Presentations recorded during the BMI Workshop webinars at IEEE SMC 2016.

Presentations by four experts in brain-machine interfaces were carried as webinars during the BMI Workshop at SMCS2014. Use the links below to view the recordings.

Learn More

These materials provide more information on topics of interest to our technical committee.

Join Us

  • Interact with experts in Brain Machine Interface Systems, which is a relatively new and rapidly growing research field. Both invasive and non-invasive techniques (BCI) for interfacing the brain are included.
  • Participate in interesting conferences and workshops.
  • Make friends from different regions of the world.
  • Exchange research ideas and possibly share research resources.