Our Goal
The mission of this TC is to contribute to an emergent theory and a modelling, simulation, and gaming toolkit for the design and management of networked utility and infrastructure systems as complex socio-technical systems from a variety of disciplines, each with a different perspective on infrastructure system complexity. In other words, the TC strives to organize a scientific stage for confronting, combining, and possibly integrating the social and physical perspectives on infrastructure networks, in such a way that the insights can be made available for practitioners in the infrastructure sectors and help them to achieve better quality and reliability of infrastructure bound services.
Join Us
We must face the challenge of understanding and steering the behaviour of infrastructures to social and economic advantages. There is not one discipline that in itself will offer a comprehensive answer to the infrastructure design and management challenges. Our TC on Infrastructure Systems & Services therefore aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from all parts of the globe with an active interest in the planning, design, operation, control, management, and governance of networked infrastructure systems. Collectively, we may succeed in creating a common language and synthesis framework, enabling us to grasp the full complexity of the infrastructures on which society has come to depend. By joining, you can:
- Interact with professionals in design, management, and control of critical infrastructure systems.
- Participate in motivating conferences and workshops.
- Form professional relationships with associates from different regions of the world.
- Exchange research ideas and share research resources.
- Promote the research, development, education, and understanding of infrastructure systems as complex adaptive systems and socio-technical systems.