Article XI

Amendments Section 1 Amendments to this Constitution may be initiated by (1) a petition signed by 5 percent of the members of the SMCS, or (2) by a two-thirds vote of the entire voting membership of the BoG. Such amendments shall be submitted to the Technical Activities Board and to the IEEE Executive Director. After…

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Article X

Chapters and Committees Section 1 Chapters may be formed as provided in the IEEE rules and regulations for any purpose consistent with the objectives of the SMCS. Section 2 Committees shall be established by the BoG in special interest areas that lie within the FoI of the SMCS. The functions and operation of the Committees…

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Article IX

SMCS Publications Section 1 The SMCS shall periodically publish its Transactions, Magazine, and eNewsletter as established by the BoG. The Bylaws shall govern SMCS publication policies….

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Article VIII

SMCS Meetings Section 1 The SMCS shall hold meetings, conferences, symposia, or conventions either alone or in cooperation with other Groups, Societies, or Committees of the IEEE; or other technical organizations, subject to IEEE rules and regulations. The SMCS shall sponsor or cosponsor at least one major technical conference each year….

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Article VII

Board of Governors Meetings Section 1 Meetings of the BoG shall be held as prescribed in the Bylaws. Other meetings of the BoG may be called at the discretion of the President, or at the request of five members of the BoG. Section 2 A majority of the voting members of the BoG or any…

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Article VI

Management Principles Section 1 The President, under the direction of the BoG, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the SMCS. He/she shall preside at meetings of the BoG, the ExCom, and at general meetings of the SMCS. As a member of the IEEE Technical Activities Board, he/she shall represent the SMCS at such…

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Article V

Organization Section 1 The SMCS shall be governed by a Board of Governors, hereinafter abbreviated BoG. All members of the BoG must be members of the SMCS. There shall be at most 27 voting members of the BoG, consisting of the two immediate Past Presidents, the 10 Administrative Officers of the BoG, and the 15…

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Article IV

Finances Section 1 The SMCS may collect from its members an annual assessment or fee. The collection shall be in accordance with the IEEE Bylaws and applicable rules and regulations. Section 2 The SMCS may take registration charges at its meetings, symposia, conferences, and conventions. Registration fees for members and non-members shall be set in…

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