Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Mission Align SMCS with IEEE mission to create a diverse and inclusive membership. Guide SMCS in proposing and advising new initiatives to improve current programs and include equity, diversity, and inclusion. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Subcommittee Chair: Ljiljana Trajkovic Mariagrazia Dotoli (VP MSA) Francesco Flammini (AVP MSA) Eddie Tunstel Ying Gina Tang Daoyi Dong Tak…

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SMC Women in Engineering

IEEE Women in Engineering (WiE) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering. With the membership of women within the IEEE growing around the globe, the IEEE Women in Engineering was officially formed in…

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Ambassador Program

Ambassador of SMC An authorized official representative and messenger of the Society. Purpose of the Ambassador Program (AP) establishing and/or enhancing connections with Sections establishing new chapters enhancing technical activities of existing and/or new Chapters by establishing connections among Society and Chapter officers by providing best practice information guidance in conference organization enhancing student activities,…

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Chapters & Communities

The Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society has a number of chapters and communities for its members. We have Chapters in many countries, as well as many student activities available. If you are looking for Technical Committees, please refer to the Technical Activities section of this site….

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Operating Procedures

The procedure for operation of the DL Program is as follows: The Chair of the Distinguished Program Committee (DPC) will request the Advisory Board to solicit candidates. Each candidate will be requested to submit a biographical sketch, abstracts of two lectures, and availability for lectures to the Chair of the Committee. The Committee will evaluate…

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IEEE Membership Application Online application form to apply for IEEE membership. Click “Join as a student” for student membership. Global Benefits Finder Search highlighting the many benefits of IEEE membership. IEEE Student Activities Portal of information and activities geared specifically towards the IEEE Student Member. IEEE Young Professionals Program Information for IEEE Young Professionals members…

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Young Professionals

The IEEE SMC Young Professionals Program aims to help young SMC members transition from a student to a young professional. As a newly graduated young professional, the SMC Society could serve as your technical home. By participating in the SMC Society and its sponsored conferences, you can find researchers and professionals with common interests, increase…

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