Systems Biology

TC Leadership TC Chair Luonan Chen (Email)Osaka Sangyo University, Japan Our Goal The goal of this technical committee is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and information among researchers and engineers in the field of Systems Biology, from engineering perspectives. This will be achieved, in particular, by organizing invited sessions, workshops, special issues, and…

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System of Systems

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Mark A. Johnson (Email)Space and Directed Energy Technology Aerospace Corporation, USA TC Co-Chair Ferat Sahin (Email)Rochester Institute of Technology, USA TC Co-Chair Mike Henshaw (Email)Loughborough University, UK Our Goal A trend has emerged in which complex systems are being integrated on a large scale with other self-contained systems to satisfy global…

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Service Systems and Organization

TC Leadership TC Chair Jian Chen (Email)Tsinghua University, China Our Goal The Service Systems and Organization Technical Committee is a professional committee committed to advancing research and applications in the area of service systems and organizations. The main objectives of the committee are to: Enhance cooperation and communication among the professionals and researchers in the…

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Robotics and Intelligent Sensing

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Hong Zhang (Email)University of Alberta, Canada TC Co-Chair Saeid Nahavandi (Email)Centre for Intelligent Systems Research, Deakin University, Australia Our Goal The Robotics and Intelligent Sensing Technical Committee (RIS-TC) strives to maintain SMC’s leadership position in robotics and intelligent sensing research, provide strategic support to SMC members active in robotics and intelligent…

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Model-Based Systems Engineering

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Dov Dori (Email)Technion, Israel, and MIT, USA TC Co-Chair Azad M. Madni (Email)University of Southern California, USA Our Goal The IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Model-Based Systems Engineering (TC-MBSE) was formed to foster and promote formal modeling approaches, languages, and methods that enable complex socio-technical systems engineering. The committee pursues various…

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Medical Mechatronics

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Ming-Yih Lee (Email) Chang Gung University, Taiwan TC Co-Chair Yi-Hung Liu (Email) Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan TC Co-Chair Chung-Hsien Kuo (Email) National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Our Goal Advances in the life sciences and in medical technology have positioned bio-medical technology as a major driver in the global…

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Logistics Informatics and Industrial Security Systems

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Runtong Zhang (Email)Beijing Jiaotong UniversityChina TC Co-Chair Martin Dresner (Email)The University of MarylandMaryland, USA TC Co-Chair Menggang Li (Email)Beijing Jiaotong UniversityChina TC Co-Chair Zhenji Zhang (Email)Beijing Jiaotong UniversityChina View Chinese version of the TC website. Our Goal Information and communication technologies have been providing an effective network infrastructure and development platform…

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Intelligent Transportation Systems

TC Leadership TC Chair Bing-Fei Wu (Email)National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan TC Co-Chair Jau-Woei Perng (Email)National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan Our Goal In the 21st century, the biggest driver of technology development comes from integrating multiple disciplines’ advancements, along with an emphasis on improving human-technology interaction rather than forcing users to adapt. One case in…

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