Humanized Crowd Computing

Our Goal Technical Committee on Humanized Crowd Computing (HCC) aims at promoting interdisciplinary research, education and international collaboration in the field of Crowd Computing. HCC focuses on the mechanisms and cybernetics to address the aggregation, dependencies and interactions among many involved participants in the human-centered process of knowledge discovery, decision making, and on-demand service delivery….

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Autonomous Bionic Robotic Aircraft

Our Goal Technical Committee on Autonomous Bionic Robotic Aircraft aims at increasing the knowledge on advanced bionic robotic aircraft technology concentrated in the “perception” (sensor, information fusion), “decision-making” (intelligent control), “implementation” (institutions and drivers) and “interaction” (human-machine, multi machine and networking). Due to the unstructured and uncertain working environment, the future of bionic robotic aircraft…

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Our Goal The IEEE SMCS’ TC-BC is formed with the goal of providing a forum and dissemination mechanism for the interplay between SMC technology and Blockchain. The technical committee strives to maintain SMCS leadership position in the research of the blockchain, to provide strategic support to SMCS members’ activities in studying the latest technical developments…

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Cognitive Situation Management

Obituary We are very saddened by the passing of our Technical Committee’s Co-Chair Dr. Melita Hadzagic, who bravely fought lung cancer since 2021 and died peacefully in her sleep on the 22nd of July, at home, surrounded by her family. She served as Chief Scientist at OODA Technologies, Inc. in Canada, as Research Scientist at…

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Computational Psychophysiology

Our Goal Computational Psychophysiology is an interdisciplinary research which covers analysis and modeling of physiological responses and their correlations with psychological aspects of human behavior with theories and technologies of computer science, mathematics and physics. The research interests of computational psychophysiology include studies in multimodal indices, like MRI, PET, MEG, ERP, EEG, ECG, SP, respiration,…

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Cyber-Medical Systems

Our Goal The mission of the TC on Cyber-Medical Systems is to serve its members and the society at large by promoting the theory and practice of personalized healthcare. It is accomplished through conferences, publications, and other activities that contribute to the professional needs of its members. Cyber-Medical Systems connects physical healthcare systems with computational…

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Cyber-Enabled World

Our Goal Advances in computers, information and networks, especially in the Internet and the Web, not only offer us novel services, but are also bringing about a digital cyberspace and a further digital cyber world. Numerous digital things or cyber entities will be generated and will reside in the cyber world, and countless real things…

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Intelligent Systems to Human-Aware Sustainability

Our Goal Technical Committee on Intelligent Systems to Human-aware Sustainability (TC-ISHS) focuses on the design, analysis and implementation framework and intelligent technologies towards an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and planet. As the new scale of urbanization, digitization, and industrialization continue to change of our world, many systems driven by the advanced technologies,…

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