Interactive and Wearable Computing and Devices

Our Goal While interactive devices refer to any physical and tangible entity with which a human user can interact with, this new TC focuses on a subcategory of those devices, which human users can wear, such as smart watches, health monitoring electronics, head mounted stereo display, and exoskeletons. An interactive and wearable device (IWD) provides…

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Information Systems for Design and Marketing

Our Goal In this technical committee, we discuss and study information systems for activating and integrating two business phases, i.e., design and marketing (D&M) to reinforce manufacturing/production teams. We highlight designers and marketers as the brains of enterprise creativity, living on information circulation. We aim to establish information system consisting of humans, computers, and their…

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Human Perception in Multimedia Computing

Our Goal Our goal is to demonstrate how human perception of multimedia can lead to enhanced practical systems, and how human study and user experience innovation can foster the multimedia computing system development. Human perception has been studied extensively and for a long time in psychology, but only in the late twentieth century has it…

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Human-Computer Interaction

TC Leadership TC Co-Chair Caroline Cao (Email)Wright State University, USA TC Co-Chair Greg Jamieson (Email)University of Toronto, Canada Our Goal The Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction is concerned with issues related to modeling, designing, and evaluating interactions between humans and computing systems. Members Julie A. Adams, Vanderbilt University Meghna Babbar-Sebens, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis,…

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Human Centered Transportation Systems

Our Goal The primary objective of the Human Centered Transportation Systems (HCTS) technical committee is to bring together specialists from the all areas of “Human-Transportation systems”, including ships, airplanes, trains and cars and to promote interdisciplinary study on the human factor in the transportation system. The goal of the TC is to improve compatibility in…

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Environmental Sensing, Networking and Decision-Making (ESND)

Our Goal The primary objective of the Environmental Sensing, Networking, and Decision Making (ESND) technical committee is to bring together specialists from the all areas of “Human-machine Interface systems”, supporting the development of human-machine interface technologies in relation to multi-scale sensing, networking and control that can smooth out data acquisition, data communication, data and knowledge…

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Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design

Our Goal The Technical Committee on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD) is an international special interest group of researchers working in the fields of collaboration technologies and applications to the design of processes, products, systems, and services in industries and societies. Collaboration technologies include theories, methods, mechanisms, protocols, software tools, platforms, and services…

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Companion Technology

Our Goal Companion Technology is an emerging field of cross disciplinary research, aiming at a paradigm shift in human-technology interaction. It is intended to enable technical systems of any kind to appear as individual, competent, and empathic assistants to their users. The targeted Companion-systems are cognitive technical systems that smartly adapt their services to both…

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