POWERS, PRIVILEGES, DUTIES, FEES Section 1: It shall be the duty of each member of the SMCS to vote on such matters that require a referendum. Each member may attend all meetings but may not introduce motions, vote, or preside unless qualified as a voting member under provisions of the Constitution. Section 2: The President…
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Article III
COMMITTEE STRUCTURE Section 1: Each of the Vice Presidents shall serve as Chair of a standing committee. The standing committees may form subcommittees at the discretion of and appointment by the concomitant Vice President or President. All such appointments shall terminate no later than the end of the term of the appointing Vice President or…
Read More >Article II
MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Section 1: The BoG shall meet at least once during the year, usually around the time of the Annual Meeting of the Society. In addition, the ExCom shall meet at least once during the year, usually six months prior to the BoG meeting. Section 2: The order of business at…
Read More >Article I
NOMINATIONS AND ELECTIONS Section 1: Nominations Committee Section 1.1: The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall be the immediate Past President. In the event of the incapacity or conflict of interest of the Chair, the most recent Past Chair of the Nominations Committee available shall be the Chair of the Nominations Committee. In extenuating circumstances,…
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Download a copy of the entire SMC Society Constitution and Bylaws (PDF). Article I: Nominations and Objectives Article II: Meetings of the Board of Governors Article III: Committee Structure Article IV: Powers, Privileges, Duties, Fees Latest Revision: 1 August 2023…
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