Call for Nominations – IEEE SMC Society Board of Governors

The Nominations Committee of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMCS) is seeking nominations for the Society’s 2023 Board of Governors (BoG) elections.  The Nominations Committee will select candidates for the election to be held at the end of 2023. The following positions are open: Member-At-Large: Five (5) SMCS members to be elected by…

Four Open Special Issues for the SMC Magazine

The SMC Magazine Editor-in-Chief, Prof. Tingwen Huang, is pleased to announce a call for papers for five open Special Issues for the IEEE SMC Magazine. More details are available in the links below: Cybersecurity for E-Business, E-Services, and E-Society – submission deadline: July 30, 2023 Internet Web of Things for Future Era – submission deadline:…

Society Members: Access Your Free 2TB of Data Storage on IEEE DataPort

Did you know your society membership includes a free individual subscription to IEEE DataPort, IEEE’s sustainable data solution? Using IEEE Dataport, you can advance your research with access to more than 4,000 datasets and also upload your own datasets up to 2 TB to gain global exposure….

eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society – Issue 76, March 2023

Summary of the Latest Issue of the eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society, Issue 76, March 2023 Editorial Welcome from the new EiC Meet our new associate editor volunteers Featured Article On Promoting Gender Balance in Engineering Society News About the Society Board of Governors Meet the new EiC Editor-in-Chief, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica,…

eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society – Issue 75, December 2022

Summary of the Latest Issue of the eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society, Issue 75, December 2022 Editorial From Prof. Dongrui Wu, PhD Society News About the Society Board of Governors 2023 IEEE Fellows Elevated from the SMC Society: Daoyi Dong, for contributions to quantum systems control and reinforcement learning Bin Hu, for contributions to…

eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society – Issue 74, October 2022

Summary of the Latest Issue of the eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society, Issue 74, October 2022 Editorial From Prof. Dongrui Wu, Ph Society News About the Society Board of Governors BCI Award 2022: 1st Place: Lorach et al., Walking naturally after spinal cord injury using a brain-spine interface 2nd Place: Willett et al., A…

eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society – Issue 73, June 2022

Summary of the Latest Issue of the eNewsletter of the IEEE SMC Society, Issue 72, March 2022 Editorial From Prof. Dongrui Wu, PhD Society News About the Society Board of Governors Newly elected/appointed Society Officials: BoG Members-at-Large, Dongrui Wu, 2022 IEEE SMCS Resource Center Launched Join the IEEE Brain Community for Free! TL Introductions: TC on…