The Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society recognizes outstanding volunteers and their
significant achievements by the presentation of a number of awards. This year’s submission deadline is June 15, 2015.
- Award Nomination Form (PDF)
- Award Nomination Form (DOC)
Award Selection Process
- The Awards Chair forms an Awards Committee consisting of past presidents and members
from the SMC Society Board of Governors to evaluate the nominations. Prior recipients of the
Joseph G. Wohl Outstanding Career Award and the Norbert Wiener Award may be invited to
assist the Awards Committee in the awards selection. - The Awards Chair submits a Call for Nominations on the SMC Society website. Nominations
are due by June 15 unless otherwise extended by the Awards Committee. - Editors-in-Chief of the SMC Transactions are invited to submit nominations for the Best
Associate Editor Award and the Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Paper Award. - The General Chair and Program Chair of the last SMC Society conference are invited to
submit nominations for the Franklin V. Taylor Memorial Award. - Vice Presidents for Systems Science & Engineering, Human-Machine Systems, and
Cybernetics are invited to submit nominations for the Most Active SMC Technical Committee
Award. - The Vice President for Membership & Student Activities and the Chapter Coordinators are
invited to submit nominations for the Outstanding SMC Chapter Award. - The Student Activities Chair forms a subcommittee for evaluation of the IEEE International
Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Best Student Paper Award. After the judging is
completed, names of the winners and basis for decisions are submitted to the Awards
Committee Chair. - After receiving nominations and supporting information, the Awards Committee evaluates and
selects the awardees. Members of the Awards Committee are not eligible for awards for which
they participate in the selection process.