New York Chapter receives the IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award 2014

At the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, Cybernetics (SMC) held in San Diego, California, October 2014, the New York Chapter received IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award, 2014 for having consistently shown outstanding leadership and service to its members. The New York Chapter of IEEE SMCS was established in September of 2012 by the Founding Chair, Ping-Tsai Chung, Long Island University Brooklyn Campus, New York. Since then, the NY of SMCS has been developing over twenty technical seminar activities. These seminars were covered various topics in the scope of the SMCS. In 2014, the Chapter held 8 events:

(24) Upcoming Event: SMCS Distinguished Lecture – The Big Data Challenge: From
Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition Perspective (Date: to be announced)

DL Speaker: Daniel So Yeung, IEEE Fellow, Visiting Professor, School of Computer Science
and Engineering, South China University of Technology, China

(23) Upcoming Event: Distinguished Lecture – Internet Access Technologies & the
Flexible Optical Networking Paradigm

(Dec. 5, 2014) Friday, 6~ 8:30 PM at LIU-
Brooklyn, (Seminar Room: HS 119) – DL Speaker: Dr. Amitava Dutta-Roy, IEEE Life Fellow

(22) Celebration – IEEE Day 2014 event at LIU Brooklyn (Oct.10, 2014)
ITS and IoT – From V2X to Cohesive Intelligent Transportation Systems Mr. Chiao-Wei Lee, Senior
Manager, Global Application Development Ansell Healthcare
Guest Attendance (16), IEEE Member Attendance (14)

(21) How to reveal anyone’s interests on Twitter using social network analysis
(Sept. 26, 2014), Mr. Brian Lee Yung Rowe, and Founder of Zato Novo
Guest Attendance (21), IEEE Member Attendance (13)

(20) M2M Communications
(May 16, 2014), Dr. Ming-Yee Lai, Co-Founder, Connectlife.
Guest Attendance (26), IEEE Member Attendance (24).

(19) IBM InfoSphere Streams Computing
(May 6, 2014), DL Speaker: Dr. Kun-Lung Wu, IEEE Fellow, Research Manager, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center.
Guest Attendance (23), IEEE Member Attendance (19)

(18) RFID Technology and the Internet of Things
(April 4, 2014), Associate Prof. Xinzhou Wei, CUNY.
Guest Attendance (30), IEEE Member Attendance (30)

(17) The Multi-modality in Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Learning and Humanized

(March 20, 2014), Assistant Professor, Chung Hyuk Park, NYIT.
Guest Attendance (14), IEEE Member Attendance (13)

About Ping-Tsai Chung

Prof. Ping-Tsai Chung is Associate Professor in the Department of Technology, Innovation and Computer Science, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York, where he has served as Chair of Computer Science Department of LIU-Brooklyn for nine years from June 2004 to August 2013. Earlier, he has worked with AT&T and Lucent/Bell Labs in U.S.A. for developing High Speed Network Management Systems, and he has participated a Broadband ISDN Services Project at Telecommunications Labs (TL) in Taiwan. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Convergence Information Technology, AICIT, and is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO), Cyber Journals: Multidisciplinary Journals in Science and Technology (ISSN: 1925-2676), The Canadian-based Cyber Journals. His research interests are Network Computing, Intelligent Systems, Web Services and Biomedical Informatics. He has contributed thirty five papers in the areas of Network Computing, Intelligent Systems and Applications for Networks, Databases, Web Services, Knowledge-Based Expert Systems and Biomedical Informatics to the International Journals and Conferences.

Dr. Chung received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from New York University – Polytechnic School of Engineering (NYU-Poly). He is an Alumnus of Department of Electronic Engineering of National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei-Tech), where he received Outstanding Alumni Award at NTUT 95th Anniversary Ceremony, Taipei, in 2006. He has also an Adjunct Faculty with NYU-Poly since 2013.

Dr. Chung is the Founding Chair of the He established Student Branch Chapter of IEEE Society at LIU Brooklyn, where the student chapter of IEEE SMC Society is the first student chapter of SMC Society in North America. His contact email is [email protected] or [email protected].