Dear Readers,
Welcome to the first issue of the IEEE SMC Society eNewsletter of 2019.
The current e-Newsletter is packed with information on Society news: the new composition of the Board of Governors of the Society, the latest awards at the most active members of the SMCS, as well as the newly elected Fellows of the Society. Congratulations to all for the recognition of their hard work!
This first issue of 2019 also includes information on the latest Young Professionals in Space event that took place at the Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, in Barcelona, Spain, from the 17th to the 21st of July 2018. In addition, an interesting articles by the chairs of the Technical Committee on Knowledge Acquisition in Intelligent Systems (KAIS) – Drs. Stuart Rubin and Shu-Ching Chen – discusses an important issue for all of us: How to Do Core Work while Minimizing Bureaucracy?
The issue also features numerous calls for papers and calls for participation to events and activities of the Society. In particular, October 6-9 are the dates reserved for this year’s edition of our flagship conference to be held in Bari (Italy), and focusing on Industry 4.0. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Please also note that the call for papers of next year’s conference is already available and the theme is The Making of a Human-Centered Cyber World. Next year edition will be held in Toronto, Canada, and you are all welcome to participate!
Finally, the eNewsletter features a listing of several upcoming SMC events and reports numerous job openings and funding opportunities.
I look forward to receiving your contributions and making the eNewsletter the leading forum of our Society.
Send us your feedback!
Prof. Mariagrazia Dotoli, PhD
Associate Professor of Control Systems Engineering
Politecnico di Bari
200 Via Re David
70125 Bari – Italy
[email protected]