During the IEEE SMC2016 International Conference, held at Hotel InterContinental Budapest, Hungary, the SMC Society Board of Governors (BoG) meeting took place.
We report some relevant news from the meeting.
The BoG elected the following candidates for the offices of President-Elect and 4 Vice Presidents for 2018-2019.
- Eddie Tunstel, President-Elect (Download pdf)
- Rodney Roberts, VP for Systems Science and Engineering (Download pdf)
- Vladik Kreinovich, VP for Publications (Download pdf)
- Ferat Sahin, VP for Finance (Download pdf)
- Adrian Stoica, VP for Membership (Download pdf)
The BoG also selected the new SMC 2020 site to be Toronto, accepting the proposal made by Prof. Hossam Gabbar, University of Ontario Institute of Technology.
The BoG approved the reappointments of:
- Dr. Jun Wang as Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics for 2017-2019
- Dr. Philip Chen as Editor in Chief of IEEE Transactions on SMC-Systems for 2017-2019
- Dr. Mo El-Hawary as EiC of the IEEE SMC Magazine for 2017-2018
In addition, the BoG approved the technical co-sponsorship of the Control Systems Letters Journal together with the Control Systems Society.
Finally, the BoG approved and acknowledged its strong support to the Transactions on Computational Social Systems as reflecting an important research area, and approved its own commitment to help this publication to succeed.