October 8-9, 2016
Be a part of the world’s largest Brain Hackathon. Over $8,000 in cash and hardware prizes.
What is a Hackathon?
Hackathons are brainstorming and collaborative marathons designed to rapidly produce working prototypes. Conventional hackathons typically bring developers and technologists together over 24, 36, 48, or more hours to cram and build solutions that they can present.
Who Can Participate?
Anyone! It is free. Anyone with interests in BMI, BCI, robotics, AR, VR, machine learning, sensors, human-machine interface systems, control, signal processing, big data, haptics, rehabilitation, and similar areas. You do not have to be a BMI expert to participate on a team! Interdisciplinary teams with a combination of BMI and non-BMI skills are often successful in building solutions and producing working prototypes.
How to Participate?
To participate, please register online.
You can participate individually or by joining a team.
For more information, please visit: http://bit.ly/298m4US.
Why do a Brain Hackathon?
The brain hackathon provides an environment for innovation and entrepreneurship. By putting creative minds from multiple disciplines together for a short period of time, we have the opportunity to discover and uncover possibilities for using BCI-related hardware and software not readily thought of. Hacks and innovation developed from hackathons have great potential for commercialization.
Budapest, Hungary, at the 2016 SMC BMI Workshop, which is part of SMC 2016.