Regular Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers electronically through the conference website. Papers (regular length of up to 6 pages) with max. 2 overlength pages (including paper title, authors and affiliations, figures, and references) for an extra fee should be concise but contain sufficient details and references to allow critical review. Papers will be reviewed (single-blinded) by at least two referees for technical merit and content.

Special Sessions Papers
Special Sessions provide a focused discussion of new and innovative topics. Special Session proposers should download the special session proposal template and submit the completed proposal to the Special Sessions Chairs. Special Session organizers should collect at least six papers. All submitted special session papers undergo the same review process as regular papers, and submission to proposed sessions is not a guarantee of acceptance. The list of Accepted Special Sessions is available here.

Industrial Papers
These contributions are intended to promote contributions from industries on technology development, innovations, and implementations, which will facilitate collaboration between industrial and academic members of the SMC community. All submitted industrial papers undergo the same review process as regular papers via submission page.

Workshop and Tutorial Papers
These contributions are intended to promote contributions from applied research and applications, including work in progress, and facilitate increased collaboration between industrial and academic members of the SMC community.

BMI Workshop Papers
The IEEE SMC 12th Workshop on Brain-Machine Interface (BMI) Systems will be held from October 9-12 as part of IEEE SMC 2022, the flagship annual conference of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. The goal of the Workshop is to provide a forum for scientists to present research results, facilitate the interaction and intellectual exchange between researchers, developers and consumers of BMI technology. We invite contributions reporting the latest advances, innovations and applications in BMIs. The BMI Workshop is organized by the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Brain-Machine Interface Systems. Participation is free to all registered IEEE SMC 2022 attendees.

Conference website: